
Number of balls Pattern's name
1 Cascade
1 Reverse cascade
1 Bounce column
1 4000300
1 Box
1 Half shower
1 Shower
1 Under the leg
1 Yo yo
1 Bounce cascade
1 One hand fountain
1 Reverse one hand fountain
1 Bounce one hand fountain
1 Bounce reverse one hand fountain
1 Bounce forced cascade
1 Back crosses
1 Claws
1 Handcuffs
1 One hand fountain above the head
1 One hand fountain claws
1 U cascade
1 Above the head
1 Contorsionist
2 Bounce columns
2 Cascade
2 Reverse cascade
2 Synchronized columns
2 Half shower
2 Under the leg
2 Yo yo
2 Bounce cascade
2 Fountain
2 Reverse fountain
2 Bounce fountain
2 Bounce reverse fountain
2 Bounce forced cascade
2 Bounce shower
2 40303
2 Box
2 Back crosses
2 Shower
2 Claws
2 Orbits 1
2 Orbits 2
2 One hand fountain
2 Reverse one hand fountain
2 Bounce one hand fountain
2 Bounce reverse one hand fountain
2 Windmill
2 Above the head
2 Handcuffs
2 One hand fountain above the head
2 One hand fountain claws
2 U cascade
2 Contorsionist
3 423
3 Cascade
3 Reverse cascade
3 Bounce cascade
3 Forced bounce cascade
3 Gothic columns
3 Bounce columns
3 Synchronized columns
3 Half shower
3 Right center left
3 Under the leg
3 Tennis
3 Box
3 Boston mess
3 Bounce boston mess
3 Back crosses
3 Under the tennis net
3 Shower
3 Bounce shower
3 Flash
3 Bounce flash
3 Two hands fountain
3 Synchronized two hands fountain
3 Bounce synchronized two hands fountain
3 Claws
3 Machine
3 Eat an apple
3 Mill's mess
3 Windmill
3 Reachover
3 Knitting
3 Yo yo
3 Bounce forced flash
3 Bounce flash
3 Above the head
3 U cascade
3 Contorsionist
3 Follow
3 One hand fountain
3 Multiplex one hand fountain
3 Eat apples
3 Handcuffs
3 Chops
3 Flash claws
3 Reverse one hand fountain
3 Bounce one hand fountain
3 Bounce reverse one hand fountain
4 Fountain
4 Bounce fountain
4 Bounce reverse fountain
4 Reverse fountain
4 Bounce columns
4 Georgian shuffle
4 Box
4 Claws
4 Bounce forced flash
4 Bounce flash
4 Tennis
4 Flash
4 Windmill
4 Half shower
4 Mill's mess
4 Under the leg
4 Above the head
4 One hand fountain
4 Reverse one hand fountain
4 Back crosses
4 Shower
4 Bounce shower
5 Cascade
5 Bounce cascade
5 Tennis
5 Reverse cascade
5 Half shower
5 Bounce forced cascade
5 Bounce forced flash
5 Bounce flash
5 Back crosses
5 Flash
5 Under the leg
5 Box
5 Claws
5 Shower
5 Windmill
5 Mill's mess
5 One hand fountain
5 Reverse one hand fountain
6 Fountain
6 Reverse fountain
6 Bounce forced flash
6 Bounce flash
6 Flash
6 Bounce fountain
6 Bounce reverse fountain
6 Half shower
7 Bounce cascade
7 Cascade
7 Bounce forced cascade
7 Reverse cascade
7 Half shower